About Us



Prof Talatu Musa Garba

“You are welcome to the Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development, Bayero University Kano. NCRRD looks forward to partnering with parastatals such as a SUBEB,UBEC, NCCE and NTI to promote Reading Researches and trainings. There is special certificate programme on teaching of early grade reading being organised by the Centre, as a summer course that would help teachers of languages to teach reading effectively, The Centre has a resource room that is open to researchers on teaching reading.”

The Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development (NCRRD) was established in October 2017 as a collaborative project between Bayero University, Kano (BUK) and Florida State University (FSU), Tallahassee, in the United States of America with funding support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The idea to establish this Centre was based on the global realisation about the critical role of reading skill as the foundation of learning across the levels and subject areas taught in schools. The idea was also based on the challenges of reading skill and poor reading culture facing early grade learners. The Centre put togather strategies to overcome the challenges of reading through conduct of researches and teacher training programmes to uplift the standard of Reading in Nigeria. Part of the strategies also is the organization of annual conferences that bring togather stakeholders to share ideas on best practices in the teaching of early grade reading. Publishers of reading materials and childrens books are also part of these conferences. Books and journals are also probuced by the centre periodically to provide more resources to support teachers of early grade reading.







The NCRRD currently runs two programmes.

  • Postgraduate Diploma

    PGDTR runs for One academic session.

  • Certificate Programme

    Certificate in the Teaching of Reading runs for 4 to 6 weeks.







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